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Besides writing Country Girl: Letting Love and Wanderlust Take the Reins, Reijonen has also written for multiple publications, including The Clovis Independent, The Spokesman-Review, Eve Magazine​, Mid-Columbian Magazine, Northwest Woman Magazine, Briefcase to Backpack, Verge Magazine, Gonzaga University, The Pick & Shovel Gazette, Gold Prospectors Magazine and Misadventures Magazine.

Online Publications:


Misadventures Magazine "Sarah Against the Volcano"

"The bus pas­sen­gers begin to exchange uneasy looks. Obvi­ously, most of us do not hail from an ever-changing island made com­pletely of vol­ca­noes and lava fields, fire and ice. 'Don’t worry, I have lived in Ice­land all my life and I am still smil­ing,' the woman reas­sures us in her button-nosed Nordic accent. Instead of tak­ing her word for it, I think of the post­card I bought for one of my nephews, which reads, 'Don’t trust the elves.'" Read more.


Misadventures Magazine "Home on the Road"

From RV-themed road trip mixes to living with your significant other in 200 square feet, Reijonen has it covered. Reijonen shares her experiences from living life on four wheels for more than four years. Check out more of her tips and stories from the road in her bi-weekly blog. Read more.


Ottsworld "Sharing the Gift of Travel"

“'Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll never go hungry.' As my husband and I prepare to take his 15-year-old half-sister halfway around the world on her first trip out of the country using her first passport, I meditate on the profound way this old Chinese proverb can apply to travel.

My husband, 'Spanky'—a nickname given to my childhood-chubby, ringleader by his uncle—and I have been wandering since 2009 when we quit our jobs and sold our house and 80 acres in northeast Washington State to travel around the world for seven months. After that first trip, it was all over—we didn’t stand a chance against the travel bug. We had the fever, the itch to keep going and never stop, but we also had to make money to fund our new habit, so we hit the road in a fifth wheel and have been working hard and playing harder for the past six years." Read more.


Briefcase to Backpack, "Living Life Differently"

"I always feel more lost upon returning home. It probably doesn’t help that my husband and I live in a camp trailer, but to us wheels are freedom.

Our first trip in 2009 was the trip to begin all trips. We quit our jobs, sold our home on 80 acres, and leapt off the American grid for seven months around the world. When we came home we were faced with culture shock as well as a desire to live differently. I wanted to reduce my footprint, but see more places; live simply, but pick up more recipes and hobbies." Read more.


Verge Magazine, "Scuba Mask Mishap in Thailand"

"My head begins to throb and I cry, though not from emotion or the tightening pressure at my temples. Tears stream down my cheeks within my mask and the feeling that someone is tying a bandana around my forehead grows more intense. I try to widen my eyelids, but my full screen show converts to wide screen then blurs. Suddenly, my world goes dark.

I float upright and reach out both hands beginning to panic. Breathe. Breathe. Panicking will not help you any. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. It is my husband, and without being able to communicate verbally, I use my SCUBA sign language to say, “Get me the heck out of here.” Read more.


Outdoor Channel, "Larimer County Attempts to Ban Panning"

The Department of Natural Resources in Larimer County, Colorado proposed a ban on gold panning on DNR properties, claiming the department needed to sort out its mineral rights. But, Colorado gold prospectors joined together and convinced Larimer County commissioners Tom Donnelly and Steve Johnson that banning gold panning in county parks and open spaces was a bad idea. The third county commissioner, Lew Gaiter, was on vacation during the decision made Dec. 18. Gold was first discovered in Colorado in 1859 and has been a state staple ever since, employing more than 5,000 people to this day, according to the Colorado Mining Association and a Denver Post article, “Larimer County may outlaw panning for gold on county property,” which was published Nov. 18.


Gonzaga University Athletics, "Zags Cut Hair For A Good Cause"

She's halfway to a hairpiece. Assistant women's basketball coach Lisa Mispley Fortier cut off her first 10 inches of hair when she was a junior at Cal State Monterey Bay. Since then she has given approximately 20 more inches to Locks of Love. Her goal was to donate five ponytails until she found out she needed six to make a wig, and now she is well on her way to fulfilling her commitment. "Since I did it I've read a lot more about the program," said Mispley Fortier, who first heard about the charity from her aunt, a hairdresser. "I can't think of anything better than helping children in need."


Spokesman-Review, "Whitewater park a natural"

Yee-ha. Cowboys will come from miles away to take part in rodeos, including events that don’t involve the riding and roping everyone is used to. Some rodeos are all about waves and paddles.Paddling competitions, also called rodeos, will be made possible once Spokane’s whitewater park is complete. Read more.


Spokesman-Review, "The rush of the river"

They don’t want to end up like the dog. Kayakers know the story: Years ago, a few boaters came across a canine that ended up “wavekill.”Don’t worry; the poor pooch’s legacy lives on. Dead Dog Hole, as it is so aptly named, is one of five kayaking playspots on the Spokane River, along with Corbin Park, Mini Climax, Sullivan Hole and Trailer Park Wave, which is named for its proximity to – you guessed it – a trailer park. Read more.


Spokesman-Review, "I don't like losing"

A chain reaction goes off as Dana Werner steps onto the track.It’s as if someone were mixing baking soda and vinegar in one of those science-fair volcanoes. Emotions mix with the lunch Werner ate earlier, and boom! It’s a natural response as this explosion occurs in Werner’s stomach and exits through her mouth.“I get emotionally sick,” said Werner, explaining the way her body reacts before she runs the 300-meter hurdles. “I throw up because I’m so nervous.” Read more.

In Print:


Gold Prospectors Magazine / Pick & Shovel Gazette​
"The Gems of Oz: 'Specking' Sapphires Down Under"

Reijonen's debut article in the May/June 2012 issue of Gold Prospectors Magazine covered her adventures in sapphire mining in aptly-named Sapphire, Australia.


"A Prospector's Best Friend"

In the November/December 2012 issue of Gold Prospectors Magazine, Reijonen wrote that man's best friend is more than just a companion. Prospector Ray Austin has trained his four-legged pal Willy to sniff out gold nuggets.

"Mining in the Mother Lode"

Reijonen covered the re-opening of historic gold mines in the Mother Lode in the May/June 2013 issue of Gold Prospectors Magazine. 


"Spanky's Nuggets"

Reijonen chronicles the most handsome prospector she knows, her husband, and his gold hunting adventures throughout New Zealand, Australia and California in the November/December 2014 issue of Gold Prospectors Magazine. 

Eve Magazine

"Hanging on by a Ribbon"

Reijonen's debut cover story for Eve Magazine spotlighted Spokane artist and Hungarian native, Ildiko Kalapacs, who moved to America and found peace in the work of her own hands.


"The Farm Chicks"

They weren't a big deal at the time, but The Farm Chicks have built an empire since Reijonen first wrote about the dynamic duo for a 2008 cover story in Eve Magazine. The women, who have a knack at turning junk into treasures continue to host their annual antique fair in Spokane, Wash. and even have a cookbook out. Serena Thompson continues to work as a contributing editor for Country Living Magazine.

Mid-Columbian Magazine

"Weekend Getaways: Five Romantic Retreats in Washington" 

​Travel writing is Reijonen's real passion, and she was able to dabble in it while writing this piece for Mid-Columbian Magazine. She pinpointed five romantic getaways in Washington State, including the 4 Seasons River Inn in Prosser; Abeja Inn in Walla Walla; Bonneville Hot Springs Resort in North Bonneville; Cozy Rose Inn Bed and Breakfast in Grandview and Apple Country Bed and Breakfast in Naches.



101 Places to Get F*cked Up Before You Die, Oktoberfest

Two of Reijonen's photos were chosen for publication in the Matador Network's 2014 book of debauchery. Her husband is now, happily, the poster boy of beer steins.




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