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Where are the Reijonens?

Sarah Reijonen

The wineries are open again! Cheers!

Now more than ever—since our social media departure—our friends and acquaintances are unsure about what Spanky and I are doing and where we are. Here’s an update:

  • No, we didn’t move to Alaska, although every time I visit the Great North my heart moves closer and closer to it and my head embraces the idea of leaving the Lower 48 forever.

  • We’re still in California, but only for a couple more weeks! We are officially snowbirds, expect instead of being driven south by the cold, we are motivated to move north because of the heat. So, we head up to Washington with our home on wheels June 1 and we’ll be there for the whole summer, aside from a couple more Alaska trips and various road trips. (You know we can’t sit still!)

  • Spanky’s last day of work was yesterday. He is now officially a gold miner for the next two weeks. Yes, he’s still obsessed with that “hobby.”

  • My illustrator is working on the final version of my children’s book, “Light Up the World: I Want to Be a Lineman When I Grow Up.” My plan is to release the book in early fall. Stay tuned and check out for more information.

  • While my book is being finished, I’ve been out and about working as a personal trainer again at a local gym. If COVID has had any silver lining, it’s job security for personal trainers. #COVID15

Like I noted above, we will be heading to Alaska a couple more times this summer: Once in June for Chickenstock and fishing and again in late August for our annual fishing trip. Other than that, we’ll be up at our property in northeast Washington and would love to have visitors! We even have some concerts on the books again—one in Colorado Memorial Day weekend and a festival in Montana in mid-July. I’m excited, but constantly prepared for disappointment. Ha! We still have no international trips on the books, which is the biggest disappointment of all, but we’re past due to take our eldest nephew on his trip, so that might be in the works for 2022 if the world hasn’t completely imploded by then.

I hope you all are faring well and living life to the fullest despite circumstances. We’ve got to keep dancing, rain or shine!

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